Building a Foundation for Trustworthy Machine Learning
Asset Center Event
Elan RosenfeldDoctoral student in Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon
Raisler Lounge (Room 225)
Towne Building 220 S 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming how humans interact with technology and augmenting human intelligence. With these transformations come both challenges and opportunities.
Penn Engineering is pleased to announce AI Month, a four-week series of events throughout April that will explore many facets of AI and its impact on engineering and society.
Elan RosenfeldDoctoral student in Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon
Raisler Lounge (Room 225)
Towne Building 220 S 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Nader EnghetaH. Nedwill Ramsey Professor, Bioengineering, Electrical and Systems Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy
Irvine Auditorium
3401 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Aaron RothHenry Salvatori Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science, Computer and Information Science (CIS)
Raisler Lounge (Room 225)
Towne Building 220 S 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
In celebration of AI Month, join us at the University of Pennsylvania’s inaugural AI Conference, hosted by Penn Engineering and the Engineering Deans’ Advisory Board (EDAB). Registration will open on April 4th, and attendance is free for all members of the Penn community.
Check-in at Levine Lobby
3330 Walnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Join Penn Engineering faculty to learn how to harness the power of AI for innovation. Dean Vijay Kumar will moderate a discussion with Michael Kearns, Professor and National Center Chair in Computer and Information Science (CIS); Surbhi Goel, Magerman Term Assistant Professor in CIS; and René Vidal, Rachleff University Professor, with joint appointments in Electrical and Systems Engineering and Radiology. These experts will guide you through the cutting-edge tools, techniques and methodologies transforming industries and reshaping engineering.
Vijay KumarNemirovsky Family Dean, Penn Engineering
Michael KearnsNational Center Professor of Management & Technology, CIS
Surbhi GoelMagerman Term Assistant Professor, CIS
René VidalRachleff University Professor, Electrical and Systems Engineering, CIS, and Radiology
Dan Roth Eduardo D. Glandt Distinguished Professor, CIS
Raisler Lounge (Room 225)
Towne Building 220 S 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tatsunori HashimotoAssistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University
Raisler Lounge (Room 225)
Towne Building 220 S 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Join us for closing remarks by Vijay Kumar, followed by a panel discussion moderated by Susan Davidson, Weiss Professor, CIS, along with guests Zachary Ives, Adani President’s Distinguished Professor, CIS; George Pappas, UPS Foundation Professor of Transportation, ESE, and Chris Callison-Burch, Associate Professor, CIS.
Reception to follow in the Galleria.
Vijay KumarNemirovsky Family Dean, Penn Engineering
Susan DavidsonGeorge A. Weiss Professor, CIS
Zachary IvesAdani President’s Distinguished Professor, CIS
George PappasUPS Foundation Professor of Transportation, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Singh Center
3205 Walnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19104